Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This page explains the Privacy Policy of the website for visitors (“You”, “Your” or “Yourself”) who interact with the website (“Our Site”), named Champion Prefabs and owned by Champion Infratech Pvt. Ltd. (“We”, “Us” or “Our”).

We respect visitor interests and assure no misuse of any personal information shared on Our Site, unless otherwise stated.

Voluntary submission of personal data and information

There will be times when You will be asked to share personal information on Our Site. Submission of such details is purely voluntary.

Though most of the content on Our Site is open to public viewing, there may be some gated content, access to which will only be permitted after voluntary submission of details.

The information collected on Our Site will be used internally for communication and business purpose only. If You have provided us with Your email address and phone number, it authorizes us to make contact via the preferred channel.

Cookie Policy

To help Our Site track the interests of Our visitors, We use ‘cookies’. This will however not reveal any personal information such as username and password unless previously provided.

You may choose to disable cookies completely. Please visit Your browser to do the same.

Collected Information Usage

Any information We collect – whether automatically or through voluntary submission, will be used for internal purpose only, and not to disclose to any third party. If given cause by law, or for the protection of Our rights, we reserve the rights to disclose necessary information.

Log Information

Our web server may collect and save default information as logged by the world wide web server software. This is to help Us to improve Our services, to prevent security breach and to protect Our data’s integrity.


With Our Site, We have taken every step to ensure the security of Our user’s information. However, information shared electronically and over the internet can be intercepted, and hence We cannot guarantee confidentiality of transmissions.

When appropriate and required, We will also review or update the usage Terms and Conditions on Our Site. Do check the Privacy Policy every time you visit Our Site to stay informed.

However, if there is any information You have shared accidentally, or wish to update, review or delete please write in to Us at [email protected] We will try to comply with the request.

Change Notification

We may update or make changes to the Privacy Policy from time to time. Visitors are requested to check on them to be informed on what information We collect, either through voluntary submissions or automatically. This will help You to better understand how We use data collected.

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