

Check out the variety of certifications and approvals Champion Prefabs hold because of which we’re standing strong in the field of green housing industry.

Champion Prefabs is an India- based prefab housing construction company with a team of a varied range of individuals with innovation and creativity in them. However, when it comes to the technical aspects, we’re extremely careful. Read about us on the credential level and know more:

LEED certification:

LEED, or, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the most generally utilized green building rating framework on the planet. Accessible for basically all building, group and home task writes, LEED gives a structure to make sound, exceptionally productive and cost-sparing green structures. LEED accreditation is a universally perceived image of maintainability accomplishment.

Did you know, 2.2 million + square feet is LEED affirmed each day with more than 92,000 undertakings utilizing LEED.
Following are the ways in which champion Prefabs green homes are positively affected by LEED:


Concentrates on materials to show signs of improvement comprehension of what’s in them and the impact those parts have on human wellbeing and the earth

Execution based

Utilizations a more grounded, execution based way to deal with indoor ecological quality for better inhabitant comfort

Brilliant framework

Brings the advantages of brilliant framework thinking to the bleeding edge with a credit that prizes ventures for taking an interest sought after reaction programs

Water proficiency

Gives a clearer picture of water proficiency by assessing complete building water utilize
The procedure is intended to motivate Champion to look for imaginative arrangements that help general wellbeing and our condition, while sparing building proprietors cash over an undertaking’s life cycle.

ISO 2001:

Champion Prefabs is also ISO 2001 certified since, present day data frameworks for the development business, regardless of whether neighborhood or organized, need to deal with information of a wide range of sorts, e.g. geometrical information, specialized properties, cost information, upkeep information, for use inside various applications, for example, computer aided design, determination, item data and cost data frameworks. Every one of these information and the relations between them should be characterized and organized such that the put away data is steady and solid inside and between the diverse applications.

ISO 9001:

With ISO 9001 certification by Champion Prefabs, utilization of the standard could guarantee that fabricate quality, system, and adherence to enactment are reliable, thusly guaranteeing steady nature of item.

  • Decrease costs for the manufacturer: Change of production network administration and obtaining forms through ISO 9001-affirmed strategies can lessen expenses and increment net revenues.
  • Guarantee nonstop change: Use of the standard ought to guarantee that your business and related procedures enhance quite a long time, expanding benefits and developing the business in like manner.


IGBC has an aim- “To enable a sustainable built environment for all and facilitate India to be one of the global leaders in the sustainable built environment by 2025” which is why, we’ve got this approval! Champion Prefabs is all about what IGBC believes in. On looking at the quality of green homes we build and the number of government projects we’ve been an integral part of, IGBC is highly impressed with our work which they call commendable.

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